किसी भी वाहन मालिक का नाम कैसे देखें
वाहन मालिक का नाम कैसे देखें: A large number of requests have been received by the Ministry to provide a search application for ascertaining the
genuineness of any Registration Certificate (RC) and Driving License (DL). Accordingly, the Ministry has developed
search systems accessible through both SMS and Web for the use of Common Citizen to be provided free of cost.
To get the details using SMS a person will have to use.
Type VAHAN and send the SMS to 7738299899
Example: VAHAN DL3CAP9473 7738299899
Details will come by return SMS
किसी भी गाड़ी मालिक का नाम व पता कैसे निकाले
Type SARDL and send the SMS to 8790499899
Example: SARDL AP26 19860001659 8790499899
Details will come by return SMS
for detail by using web include Chasis No. and Engine of vehicle confirm the genuness of RC. The details are given in the
- To get the limited status information related to any vehicle on the web:
Open the parivahan portal: https://parivahan.gov.in,
Click on the menu option: Online Services.
Under Vahan Tab, click on the option “Know your RC Status”
In the next screen, feed the Vehicle Registration No. in the given Box.
- Registration Status will be shown immediately.
Open the Vahan Portal: https://vahan.nic.in
Click on the Menu Option: Vehicle Status”
In the next screen, feed the Vehicle Registration No. in the given Box.
Registration Status will be shown immediately.
वाहन मालिक की पूरी जानकारी कैसे निकालें
- Open the parivahan portal: https://parivahan.gov.in,
Click on the menu option:
Online Services.
Under Sarathi Tab, click on the option “Know your DL Status”
In the next screen, feed the Driving License No. in the given Box.
License Status will be shown immediately..
- Open the Sarathi portal: https://sarathi.nic.in,
Click on the menu option:
Status of License.
These detail are being provided to ascertain existence in the RC/DL record in the Transport National Registry
maintained by NIC on behalf of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. While the NIC has attempted to include all
data from all the states, there may be some omissions and in such case citizen can contact concerned RTO for
conclusive verification of genuness of the data.
तो दोस्त यह थी हमारी आज की जानकारी उम्मीद है आप अच्छे से जन गए होंगे वाहन मालिक का पूरा जानकारी कैसे निकाले ,वाहन मालिक का नाम कैसे पता करें ,वाहन मालिक का पूरा पता कैसे देखें ,किसी भी गाड़ी मालिक का नाम व पता कैसे निकाले, जाने आदि की जानकारी हमने इस पोस्ट में दिया है अगर आप का कोई सवाल है तो नीचे हमें जरूर लिखे या कमेंट करे हम आप की जरूर मदद करेंगे आप का अपना साथी धन्यवाद ||
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