कौशल विकास योजना क्या है Revised applicable Job Roles for PMKVY FY 2018-20
प्रधानमंत्री कौशल विकास योजना |
कौशल विकास योजना क्या है : The scheme was designed as a skill certification and reward scheme with an aim to enable and mobilize large number of Indian youth to take up skill training and become employable for sustainable livelihood. To keep the trainings imparted in the scheme-market relevant, a total of 252 job roles were taken up for implementation in the first two years of PMKVY 2016-20. After two years of scheme implementation, around 15.4 Lakhs candidates have been certified with around 5.8 lakh reported placements under the short-term training component of the scheme. These trainings have been imparted in 198 job roles out of the 252 job roles applicable to the scheme.
Looking at the changing needs of the skills required in the market and the performance of the previously existing job
roles, it was decided to analyse the existing list as well to include any new job roles as per market demand and to
exclude those where the placements have not been up to the mark. The new list also includes job roles which are
NAPS scheme (Apprenticeship Model) enabled (Embedded or Paired) for better exposure to the candidates and
increased absorption with hands-on experience in Industry.
Apprenticeship Training :कौशल विकास योजना लोन
Apprenticeship Training is a course of training in any industry or establishment. It consists of Block I of basic training
and Block II of hands-on training at employer’s workplace.
• Block I: This is a training block done in the Instructor-Led training approach, with theory and practical sessions.
The training sessions may be held at training provider’s premises.
• Block II: This is a training block done at the Employer location. This is largely hands-on with inputs/ guidance
provided by the on-site mentors and supervisors. The employer may conduct instructor-led sessions in classrooms/
workshops and may also look at new age – technology-based performance support tools for additional support.
Apprenticeship can be undertaken in QP-aligned courses :
Apprenticeship can be undertaken in QP-aligned courses.
Sector Skills Councils (SSC) under the Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship are industry-led bodies that
have created Optional Trade apprenticeship curriculum after interfacing with industry for QP-based apprenticeship
Following options have been created by SSCs for executing QP-based apprenticeship :
Following options have been created by SSCs for executing QP-based apprenticeship
There are two options for QP-based apprenticeship courses:
• Paired Curriculum :
In the Paired mode the candidate progresses from QP1 to QP2 across NSQF levels
(vertically) or in the same NSQF level (horizontally). QP1 is covered in Basic Training (Block 1), which is
conducted using a combination of classroom and practical training. It closes with an assessment at the end
of QP1. Block 2 is based on QP2, conducted primarily through hands-on training as an apprentice with an
organization, as per NAPS guidelines. Block 2 closes with an assessment on QP2. Block 1 QPs chosen will run
as PMKVY STT with an optional pathway available that may enable a candidate to pick QP2 as Block 2 in
industry-based trainings under NAPS.
• Embedded Curriculum:
Certain individual QPs can yield better employment opportunities if conducted in a
mandatory embedded apprenticeship mode. The individual QP is covered in Basic Training (Block 1), which is
conducted using a combination of classroom and practical training. Block 2 is based again on the same QP,
conducted primarily through hands-on training as an apprentice with an organization, as per NAPS guidelines.
Assessment will be conducted on the QP by the SSC at the end of Block I and Block II. QPs taken under
Embedded curriculum of NAPS may not be allowed to run in only short-term training mode. However, to
facilitate states, this will be allowed in state component for a period of six months, post which the training
provider should move to an apprenticeship-based model for these job roles.
The list of job roles applicable to PMKVY 2016-20 short term training for the financial year 2018-20 are as below. The
applicability of these job roles in the type of allocation is summarized in Annexure 1.
List 1: Job Roles under PMKVY STT FY18-19.
List 2: Job Roles under Apprenticeship Model – Paired and Embedded.
List 3: Job Roles under PMKVY Reallocation.
List 4: Job Roles under PMKK.
List 5: Job Roles under PMKVY CSSM (Any NSQF aligned job roles of level 3-5).
List 6 - Standalone Job Roles under PMKVY STT applicable post creation of content and curriculum.
कौशल विकास योजना ऑनलाइन फॉर्म PDF
Annexure -1
Applicability of Lists of job roles to the type of PMKVY allocations.
Job role list is not universal, and it depends on the type of allocation and category Please Download in PDF flie - annexure-1
दोस्तों यह थी हमारी आज की जानकारी Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna,pradhan mantri kaushal vikas yojana 2020,pmkvy registration online 2020 last date,प्रधान मंत्री कौशल विकास योजना रजिस्ट्रेशन,कौशल विकास योजना ऑनलाइन फॉर्म PDF, उम्मीद करता हूँ अच्छी लगी होगी अगर आप का कोई सवाल हो तो हमें जरूर नीचे कमेन्ट करें हम आप की तुरन्त मदद करेंगे आज हमने इस पोस्ट में जाना प्रधान मंत्री कौशल विकास योजना क्या है,पीएम कौशल विकास का आवेदन कैसे करें ,पीएम कौशल विकास में जरूरी दस्तावेज आदि की जानकारी हमने दिया है धन्यवाद ||
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